Sunday, 2 December 2007

Weekend Craft Craziness

Little owl tags for my give-away-as-gifts crafts!
Then I put together two little Cake and Cookie Decorating Kits for two dear friends that like to bake and decorate. I think the small bottles are especially cute! I was hoping to find a better container to fit them in but in the end i think the one i found works well.. I personalized it too as you can see..

I hope to update sooner this week.. uni is getting me real busy! AGAIN! 8)

1 comment:

  1. Questi oggrtti vintage mi piacciono molto!!
    Anche le eyichette gufettose sono dolcissime!
    Quante cosine e barattolini colorati...sembra di essere nella fabbrica di Willy Wonka!


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